This website and the domain www.gbsestudio.com correspond to GBS Estudio Legal, a company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 33364, Folio 57, Page B231057, Inscription 1, with CIF B62448154, registered office at Avenida Diagonal, no. 535, 2º 2ª, Barcelona, 08029, tel. 934396845, email info@gbsestudio.com.
General conditions of use
The user voluntarily accesses this website, which implies that they will use it in accordance with this legal notice and the Particular Conditions of certain services, the law, morality, good faith and/or good customs.
GBS Estudio Legal reserves the right to modify the content of this legal notice without prior notice, therefore, and for a correct use of the website, we recommend that you visit this section periodically.
Intellectual and industrial property
This website and the contents included in it (texts, images, videos, logos, software, etc.) are protected by current legislation on industrial and intellectual property. The rights correspond to GBS Estudio Legal or to third parties with which GBS Estudio Legal has agreed to their use. The GBS Estudio Legal and Advice PGS logos are protected by industrial property regulations.
GBS Estudio Legal presents the contents that appear on this website for the purpose of information and publicity of its activities and services. Therefore, its reproduction, copying, modification, distribution or transformation for other purposes is expressly prohibited without the express written authorization of GBS Estudio Legal.
GBS Estudio Legal reserves the right to modify, update or delete any of the contents of this website, at any time and without prior notice.
Limitation of Liability
The information contained in this website may not be correct, despite the efforts made to ensure its accuracy and updating. Consequently, GBS Estudio Legal is not responsible for the errors contained, nor for the damages or losses derived from its use. GBS Estudio Legal will not be bound by users who request services until they receive express confirmation that their request has been accepted.
GBS Estudio Legal is not responsible for damages arising from the use of this website or its contents, not guaranteeing the absence of viruses or the impossibility of causing damage to the user's computer systems.
Personal data protection policy
Through this legal notice, GBS Estudio Legal informs users of this website, in compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPDP) about its privacy policy. protection of personal data in order for them to decide expressly, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide GBS Estudio Legal with the personal data requested.
The user, by voluntarily providing their personal data through any form on this website or by email and accepting their delivery, expressly authorizes GBS Estudio Legal to process and incorporate them into a file owned by them.
The collection and processing of personal data provided by the user is intended to maintain, guarantee and control the relationship established between the latter and GBS Estudio Legal and to send information about the products and/or services offered by this company by regular or electronic mail. and/or fax.
GBS Estudio Legal has adopted the necessary technical measures to avoid the alteration, loss or unauthorized treatment of the personal data that the user provides, taking into account the limitations that the Internet presents, and expresses its commitment to confidentiality regarding the treatment of personal data. of the user.
The user has the right to access the information that concerns them collected in the GBS Estudio Legal file, rectify it if it is wrong, cancel it or oppose its treatment by means of an email message addressed to info@gbsestudiolegal.com, or by post. addressed to the address that appears in the heading of this legal note. In both cases, the identity of the user must be sufficiently accredited.
GBS Estudio Legal and informs that the personal data of the users of this website will not be controlled by cookies that allow their identification. GBS Estudio Legal may use programs to analyze aspects related to access to its web pages, such as the most visited pages or the time of visits. This information will be processed for statistical purposes and to improve the services offered from its website and in no case will it reveal the identity of the user.
Applicable legislation and competent courts
The conditions of this website and the relations between the user and GBS Estudio Legal will be governed by Spanish law.
To find out about any discrepancy that may arise between the user and GBS Estudio Legal, both submit to the Judges and Courts of Barcelona, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

Data protection
In compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter, "LOPD"), GBS Estudio Legal informs you that the personal data you provide through our website, as well as the data GBS Estudio Legal accesses as a result of your browsing, consultation or request made through GBS Estudio Legal's website, will be collected in files under the responsibility of GBS Estudio Legal and registered at the Data Protection Agency. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your personal data, under the terms and conditions provided in the LOPD at Pl. Dr. Letamendi, 3 Pral. 1ª (Barcelona). For your convenience, GBS Estudio Legal offers you the possibility of exercising the aforementioned rights through the following email address: info@gbsestudiolegal.com.
Please inform GBS Estudio Legal immediately of any modification of your data so that the information contained in GBS Estudio Legal's files is always updated and free of errors. Likewise, by accepting this Legal Notice, you acknowledge that the information and data provided to GBS Estudio Legal are accurate and truthful.
Failure to complete or partial completion of the personal data requested in any electronic form may result in GBS Estudio Legal not being able to fulfill your request.
The personal data you provide to GBS Estudio Legal will be processed in order to provide you with the services you may request, in particular, the services provided through this web page of GBS Estudio Legal, as well as to inform you about products and services, and, in general, commercial information that may be of interest to you.
Likewise, GBS Estudio Legal informs you that it has installed cookies in its systems. Cookies are small text files that the browser stores in the hard disk of your computer. When you browse through GBS Estudio Legal's website, GBS Estudio Legal's server will be able to recognize the cookie and provide information about your last visit. Most browsers automatically accept the use of cookies, but you can configure your browser to be warned on your computer screen about the reception of cookies and, thus, prevent their installation on your hard drive.
GBS Estudio Legal informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure the security of your personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, processing and/or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment. All this in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 LOPD and Royal Decree 994/1999 of June 11, approving the Regulation of security measures for automated files containing personal data.
C. Doctor August Pi i Sunyer
nº 12, 1ero 7a
08034, Barcelona
+34 934 396 845
Web design by Marian Creative Studio